
James Gerosa, MS

James Gerosa completed his BS and MS in Exercise Physiology at Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) and is currently a research assistant on multiple clinical trials at Wake Forest. During his time at SCSU he aided in research in athletes, older adults, adolescents with type 1 diabetes and sedentary college students.  During his time at SCSU he pursued his interest in physical activity and recovery from exercise and injury.

In 2018, James moved to Winston-Salem after accepting a research interventionist position for Dr. Stephen Messier for his clinical trial Strength Training and Running Study (STARS) observing the relationship of overuse injuries and strength training in female runners. Since the end of the study he has accepted a number of roles with other clinical trials involving physical activity in patients with osteoarthritis, lymphoma, and sedentary older adults. 

Click here to download his CV