Virtually Engaging Socially with Physical activity

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Wake Forest University researchers are using multiple meeting platforms to determine if virtual reality is a viable method for people to meet and engage in physical activity.

You may be eligible for the VESPA study if you:

·Are between 45 and 80

·Are overweight, BMI 25-35

·Do not regularly engage in physical activity

·Do not have a recent history of falls, any colorblindness, dependence on a cane or walker, recent history of coronary heart disease, cancer, liver or renal disease, severe pulmonary disease, gross physical impairment, untreated severe depression, photosensitive epilepsy or uncontrolled high blood pressure

If you qualify to participate you will:

·Travel to Worrell Hall on Wake Forest University Reynolda Campus for 4 study visits over a two-month period (masks and social distancing required)

·Engage in a physical activity program with tailored recommendations by a physical activity coach

·Meet with a group and coach in either a virtual reality environment or video conference software multiple times per week for four weeks

·Keep a Garmin Vivosmart 4 activity tracking watch as compensation for being part of the study

If you’re interested and would like to learn more or participate in this research study

Contact: Justin Robison - – (336) 758 5066 – IRB00023881